Artificially Natural





本作品はジェンダーバイアスなど社会的な固定観念に焦点を当てたFabCafe主催のリソグラフ作品展示 「Don't Pay for Me」に出品した。 展示テーマである「日常の中の不平等や平等」から我々が連想したのは「いびつさ」というキーワードだった。
GADARAがものづくりのテーマとしている「自然物」と「テクノロジー」、一見相反する存在のようだが、その「いびつさ」に魅力や面白さを感じる。 交わらないはずのものでも見方を変え交わる可能性を考えることで新しいことを考えたり、生み出すきっかけになりうるのではないだろうか。


レモンのモチーフは、梶井基次郎の小説『檸檬』からヒントを得た。作中、主人公は鬱屈とした気持ちを抱えている中、レモンをとあるものに見立て、物語を空想する。 その結果主人公は晴れ晴れとした気持ちになり一歩踏み出す元気を取り戻す。 レモンのイラストには『檸檬』で描かれている困難な状況を想像力で好転させた主人公の姿勢を見習いたいという思いを込めた。

Artificially Natural

Appreciating the "snarl" of technology and nature merging together

Comparing sensor modules and lemons to technology and nature, we created a graphical poster using the pop and retro expression technique of risography.


A risograph focusing on "irregularity.

This work was exhibited in "Don't Pay for Me," an exhibition of risograph works organized by FabCafe that focused on social stereotypes such as gender bias. The theme of the exhibition, "Inequality and Equality in Everyday Life," led us to associate the keyword "inequality" with this work.
The themes of GADARA's manufacturing, "natural objects" and "technology," seem to be contradictory at first glance, but I find their "inconsistency" attractive and interesting. By changing the way we look at things that are not supposed to intersect and considering the possibility of intersecting them, we can think of new things that can be created.


The lemon motif was inspired by the novel "The Graduates" by Motojiro Kajii. In the story, the protagonist is feeling depressed and imagines the lemon as a certain thing and fantasizes about the story. As a result, the protagonist feels clearer and regains the energy to take a step forward. The illustration of the lemon represents the protagonist's desire to emulate the attitude of the protagonist in "The Graduates," who uses his imagination to turn around a difficult situation.

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